Live Webinar!

Date: Friday, April 8, 2022
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET
Host: Christopher Marrie, CPA, CCIFP, Principal and Director of HBK Cannabis Solutions and Warren Harasz, VP of Compliance at Cannaspire

As the cannabis industry grows and matures, better practices in operations and costing are necessary to remain competitive, balance quality with compliance needs, and keep your organization ready for long-term objectives such as exits, expansion, and sustained profitability. 

In this interactive webinar, Christopher Marie, Director, Cannabis Solutions Group at HBK CPAs & Consultants and Warren Harasz, VP of Compliance at Cannaspire, will discuss best practices that can be implemented now including:
• How to better identify commonly overlooked cost savings opportunities in your cultivation’s operations. 
• Achieving the goals of product quality and product compliance without sacrificing one for the other.
• Lowering unexpected tax and compliance risks with better systems and SOPs.
• Effective and time-efficient costing methods to identify inefficiencies and make better decisions than your competition. 

This discussion includes an interactive Q&A to discuss ideas around these topics in greater detail. 

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Manny Amadeo
Manny Amadeo 3/29/2022

Is this event free to attend?  

Christopher Marrie
Christopher Marrie 3/29/2022

Hi Manny. Yes it is. I'll update the description.