I live in Wilmington DE and I want to go to a training program to work in a dispensary. Where can I go for training?
Carole Richter replied:
Hello Paul,
I'm sure there are a host of options locally and online. I would recommend contacting my colleague, Maureen McNamara, at Cannabis Trainers for advice on your specific goals. Good luck in your new career path!
Paul Torregrossa
Carole Richter
Carole Richter replied:
Hello Paul,
I'm sure there are a host of options locally and online. I would recommend contacting my colleague, Maureen McNamara, at Cannabis Trainers for advice on your specific goals. Good luck in your new career path!
Hello Paul,
Carol is indeed right. We have a compliance focused training program: Sell-SMaRT. It's ideal for people who work in dispensaries.
Come check out our website and pop us a note- we'lre happy to share details with you.