What is the biggest mistake you see made in cannabis business license applications?
The process of competing for a state cannabis business license is complex, and there are many moving pieces above and beyond the actual application. If I were to identify the "Biggest mistake" I've seen made over the years, its that applicants under estimate the complexity and time required to complete and submit a winning package.
What is the biggest mistake you see made in cannabis business license applications?
As you're experienced in writing and reviewing cannabis business licenses, you've probably had a chance to see what does and doesn't work in the application process. What is the biggest mistake you see made in cannabis business license applications?
The process of competing for a state cannabis business license is complex, and there are many moving pieces above and beyond the actual application. If I were to identify the "Biggest mistake" I've seen made over the years, its that applicants under estimate the complexity and time required to complete and submit a winning package.
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